Ramon Oms is the man who grows and lives surrounded by figures, which have been shaped with the lively gesture of his fertile hands and with the emotional strength of his cultivated spirit.
Acknowledging that no sculptor has ever created a living figure, nevertheless, Ramon Oms’s style has positioned itself at the very threshold, at the limit.
All his sculptures possess and overflow with dynamism, as they have been conceived and crafted to enrich a space, to inspire the community, or to accompany the human being.
For this reason, his excellent figures enjoy a peculiarity that must be highlighted: the feet of the statues are barefoot. This indicates a rootedness, a consistent desire, an embodiment in the earth, a need to be something more than bronze: always, the feminine is synonymous with fertility, life, and word.”
Lluís Solernou.
1997.” Ramon Oms. Escultures”. Francesc Junyent i Maydeu. Parcir Edicions Selectes.
2007 “Sensacions en bronze”. Francesc Junyent i Maydeu. Ajuntament de Manresa.Associació per al museu Comarcal de Manresa.

Restoration of the 1st Mystery of Glory by Antoni Gaudí.
The architect in charge of the project for the 1st Mystery of Glory is Anton Baraut, and the restoration work of the Christ is being carried out by the sculptor Ramon Oms, who has explained that the sculpture has undergone a process of repair and cleaning to remove the salts, and techniques have been applied to ensure its preservation. The brass crown has also been cleaned, and a new anchorage has been prepared to place it in its original location.
Taking advantage of the restoration work, exact measurements of the sculpture have been taken, which has a height of 3.22 meters and a weight of 572 kilograms. It is worth noting that placing the sculpture in the original location where it was intended by Antoni Gaudí highlights the ensemble of the first Mystery of Glory, as the shape of the figure and the folds of the clothing adapt to the point on the mountain where it was initially located; moreover, the figure gains more presence.
Interview Canal Taronja
Works in Casino de Manresa
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